Our proje cts


We developed a campaign to showcase being “open to more” by removing prejudices, breaking down boundaries, and connecting the incompatible. Leveraging Tuborg’s music platform, we provided fans with a unique experience. Through provocative content, we challenged fans to demonstrate their openness to breaking down walls between music genres.

Banca Intesa

Banca Intesa is the leader in the banking category, and therefore, it is crucial to celebrate its top position in the market while maintaining a humane and close connection with the people. 

The challenge for the assignment was to incorporate Banca Intesa’s global concept “Joyful Dilemma” with a fresh perspective and a new storytelling twist.

Erste Bank

In an integrated campaign for housing loans, we utilized a series of amusing scenarios featuring a couple struggling with the consequences of frequent relocations. 

These scenarios aimed to highlight the delicate existential problem faced by tenants.

Defrinol forte

Defrinol Forte marked Galenika pharmaceutical’s first campaign in many decades of communication silence. Within the competitive cold and flu category, it was a challenge to gain share of voice and market share against well-established brands with high awareness. Our strategic approach focused on identifying key unique selling propositions (USPs) and showcasing the benefits of Defrinol Forte in crucial life situations.

A1 Telekom

The A1 Cinematheque project aims to preserve and protect some of the most renowned Yugoslav cinematography titles, which have been declared as nationally significant cultural assets. 

A1 (formerly Vip mobile) initiated this project in collaboration with the Yugoslav film archive, recognizing the need for digital restoration to safeguard the film heritage for future generations.